PySide2基于Qt 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 python2.7 3.5 x86&64构建环境MSVC2015 win7
Pyside2 project aims to provide a complete port of PySide to Qt 5.x. The project managed to port Pyside to Qt 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 & 5.6.
PySide2 supports Python 2 (recommended: 2.7 onwards) and Python 3 (recommended: 3.5 onwards).
On Windows, it is recommended to use Python 3 and build with MSVC2015. Python 2 requires building with MSVC2008.
Currently, only Qt 5.6 is supported.
PySide2 目前还处在开发阶段,并未正式发布。
本人经常在 Windows 7 x64、Python 3.5.2 x64 环境下,基于 Qt 5.6.2 x64 构建 PySide2 x64,打包工具 MSVC 2015,构建过程一切 OK。
前段时间在 Windows 7 x64、Python 2.7.10 x64 环境下,基于 Qt 5.6.2 x64 构建 PySide2 x64,打包工具 MSVC 2008,构建过程中出现错误,试过几次都没成功。
PySide2.0.0.dev0 for Python3.5 QT5.6.2 Win32&64(LGPL官方 .whl 格式安装包)
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